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Unravel the mysteries hidden in the original Keitai Denju Telefang upgrades. Do not confuse the Pokemon - Diamond ROM GBC with Game Freak and Nintendo’s official Pokemon Diamond. This bootleg has a companion game, Pokemon Jade.
The unknown makers of these knockoffs borrow everything from Nintendo, including its monsters. Get past the poor translation, the doctored box art, and in-game glitches, and this bootleg Pokemon - Diamond ROM & ISO game becomes a decent effort. Yours to try.
Pokemon - Diamond ROM is actually a lot harder to play than other legitimate Pokemon versions. Not for the faint-hearted - lose a battle and get a game over. This also occurs when you lose your electric numbers.
Sans glitches, this game has pretty decent gameplay, one that has cemented its reputation among hardcore Pokemon fans. Pokemon - Diamond ROM is free to download on iPhone (iOS), Android, PC, and Mac.
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